While dealing with various people in life

Categories: Blog, Hurt

While dealing with various people in life

While dealing with all kinds of people in life, always think from your mind and speak from your heart. By thinking from your mind you are  sure of what to say & what not to say and by speaking from your heart you will only choose those words which won’t hurt anybody. While doing this don’t allow others to take charge of you and do things that is best for you. ~ Tejas Patel

Thinking from your mind and speaking from your heart can be a helpful approach when interacting with people in various situations. It means that you should use your logical and analytical thinking to assess the situation and make informed decisions about what to say or do. At the same time, it also means that you should communicate with authenticity, empathy, and compassion.

When you think from your mind, you can approach a situation with a clear and rational mind, considering all the facts and circumstances. This helps you make informed decisions and avoid making impulsive or emotional reactions that may lead to negative outcomes.

Speaking from your heart, on the other hand, means that you communicate in a genuine and compassionate way, using your emotions to connect with others and show empathy. This helps build trust and rapport with people, making it easier to understand their needs and perspectives and find common ground.

Overall, thinking from your mind and speaking from your heart can help you navigate complex social situations, build better relationships, and communicate more effectively. It can also help you develop emotional intelligence and become a more empathetic and compassionate person.

If you desire further simple wisdom to help center your thoughts, go and subscribe to our blog: www.wisdomhealingcenter.com

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