
Your whole world lies within you

Your whole world lies within you. The outer world is the manifestation of what is going on inside. Clean your inner world with Love, Light, Prayers, Happiness, Peace & …

People can change just like seasons

Don’t ever get excited & blindly trust any new person you meet. If you already have some good friends then don’t look for new friends & don’t let your …

Our thoughts are like plants

Our thoughts are like plants. We have to decide on which we should pour water on and what we should allow to wither away.~ Tejas Patel It feels so …

Don’t get too excited to speak

Don’t get too excited to speak. Be silent and observe everyone. Think about what effects your words would have to the audience. If anyone is hurt by your words, …

I am loving myself at the moment

I am loving myself at the moment. I will get back to you later. I am sure that there would be only few around me when I am not …