Always try to play Big game which takes your breath away. People look for easy & small games which get over early. ~ Tejas Patel If you have the …
No storm can change me. I will be there like a pillar and no one will be able to destroy my character. Being me is making things go the …
Live for others giving them what they need. Be sure that you are increasing your good days while doing that. ~ Tejas Patel Someone who enhances today and helps …
We all are here in this beautiful earth to be what we want to be. Don’t focus on other people’s life & carry grudges. If we follow this, we …
The best part about we being a human being is, we can transform, cross the limits of imagination, see, feel & experience the invisible things with the power of …
You are getting what you have asked for then why do you have to interfere into other’s affairs. Let them do what they feel like doing. They would learn …