If, someone hurt your emotions then learn something from it & move on. The world population has 7, 00, 00, 00,000+ people & you are losing only one person. …
Go ahead and say Hello to your enemies. By doing this you are freeing yourself from negative and hate thoughts for them. Even if they don’t say a word, …
Don’t be sad about what happened in the past. Try to learn from those incidents and move on. Don’t plan your exact future as whatever you have planned may …
Don’t recollect your past and make a new beginning everyday by doing something new, different & good. Live in the present with Love, Peace and Gratitude to have better …
Being happy and calm under all circumstances and reacting less would give you time to think and learn why something happened to you & you will also find the …
Stay around those who make you feel yourself. Don’t waste your time & energy others who hamper your growth. ~ Tejas Patel Don’t let positive energy spoil your mood and …