life Archive

There are two types of frequencies in life

A person without love in his heart is the person without substance. There are only two types of Frequencies. ~ Tejas Patel Love: Peace, Serenity, Joy, Enthusiasm, Compassion, Kindness, Gentleness, …

Purity of Mind, Heart, Actions & Thoughts

Purity of Mind, Heart, Actions & Thoughts lead to extreme concentration which helps you to know and be aware of what is happening at this very moment in your …

Life eventually mirrors your thoughts

Life eventually mirrors your thoughts. The law of attraction is very dangerous. It has positive & negative effects on your life. Be sure about what you think. ~ Tejas …

Be yourself & behave the way you are

Be yourself & behave the way you are. You are not a product which requires unfair marketing practices to increase it’s demand. You are like a service. If you …