Don’t get too excited to speak. Be silent and observe everyone. Think about what effects your words would have to the audience. If anyone is hurt by your words, …
I am loving myself at the moment. I will get back to you later. I am sure that there would be only few around me when I am not …
When you do good things, good will appears around you. If you do bad things, bad will appears around you. If you are always positive, positive things will occur. …
Meet me, you will get Love. If you don’t give me the reason for love, I will find and give back to you. We get carried away with thoughts …
The path you have chosen may be right but it may not be the right time for you. There may be something else which the God wants you to …
When you think about all those whom you hate for what they did to you, it means that you are still holding grudges and haven’t forgiven them. You need …